18 bus routes have a stop within one block of the downtown store entrance.
The walk-by traffic is at least an order of magnitude less at their new location. The local Chapters (the western branding of Indigo) has abandoned their downtown location for a mall on the edge of the city center. it has around 200 stores in Canada, and plans to open 3 to 5 stores in the US over the next year or so. Indigo is Canada’s largest bookstore chain, although it now calls itself a cultural department store. If you live in northern New Jersey and can visit the store, I would love to hear what you think. The Wellness Shop, for example, displays books on meditation, mindfulness, self-help and other related topics along with scent diffusers and candles. Books are the main attraction, but they are often complemented with products that tell a story around a book category.
Indigo books and music locations series#
The Short Hills outpost is warm, spacious and inviting, with an open floorplan designed as a series of zones, each with its own focal point. (An in-store café is due is still under construction.) It will also offer in-store events for kids and adults.

The space is designed around Indigo’s “cultural department store” for booklovers concept which combines typical book store categories such as books, magazines and stationery with such non-traditional ones as toys, home décor, wellness and other lifestyle products. store at The Mall at Short Hills, Short Hills, N.J. Indigo Books and Music has made its long-awaited U.S. One first-hand account makes it sound like a very inviting location compared to the B&N stores I have seen, which usually have cluttered aisles and little seating. It’s first US bookstore opened in The Mall at Short Hills, which is located about 5 miles from Barnes & Noble, and 27 miles from Amazon Books. Indigo’s long-awaited US expansion launched this week in New Jersey. “We created a two-story space with an open floor plan, which maximizes sightlines to a variety of inspiring fixtures and showcases the merchandise throughout.Indigo Books and Music Opens First US Bookstore “Our Ware Malcomb team partnered with Indigo and the whole project team to bring the company’s brand promise, ‘Life, On Purpose’ alive through the store design,” said John Holland, Regional Director of the design firm’s Ottawa office in a statement. For the store’s fixturing, a light oak surface accented with white and black metals was chosen. The interior’s clean, neutral color palette was chosen to showcase the diverse merchandise selection, while a designated kids’ area is delineated with a bold dark blue color. Ware Malcomb provided an open design, achieved by removing walls within the space and ensuring the structural integrity of two adjoined historic structures. The recently completed Indigo Rideau Centre, a new flagship location for the Canada-based retailer of books, toys, home décor, stationery and gifts, reimagines the retailer’s presence in Ottawa as a large-format banner store encompassing a wide variety of offerings.